Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Aroma Therapy

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The Aroma Therapy Clock.

Product Description

This is the clock that employs the naturally soothing effects of essential oils to lull you into a blissful slumber. Its diffuser tank accepts 1 1/3 cup of water and a drop or two of 100% pure essential lavender oil; the diffuser uses ultrasonic vibration to silently release aroma into the air. Supplementing an aroma's naturally sedative effects, the clock displays six soothing colors and plays five nature sounds (including raindrops, ocean waves, and singing birds) from a built-in speaker. A remote that stores in the clock's interior controls the aroma, sleep timer, lights, and nature sounds. The digital clock displays the time with 1 1/2"-high numbers. Plugs into AC with the included adapter (included CR2032 battery provides power backup for clock display). 2 3/4" H x 7 1/2" Diam. (1 1/2 lbs.)

    The Aroma Therapy Clock. Reviews

    The Aroma Therapy Clock. Reviews
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